Test Out GT Sport in VR at Best Buy

There are very few games that support PlayStation VR at the moment, but luckily, Gran Turismo Sport is one of them. Like many of you, you probably don’t own the PlayStation VR, but would love to try it. Well, this is your chance. At many Best Buy locations from now until December 9, you can play GT Sport in VR. However, I will mention I saw this promotion at Best Buy Canada, and I suggest you check your local Best Buy to confirm if they are doing the same promotion.

Certain Best Buy locations will have PlayStation VR set up with GT Sport for you to try, but others take things to the next level. Some locations will have full racing pods with a wheel, TV, and PlayStation VR headset. However, you will have to check to see if any of those are around your area. Playing GT Sport in VR with a control is cool, but with a wheel will be just amazing.

Gran Turismo Sport with the PlayStation VR is what we have dreamed about since we were kids. Get the feeling that you are actually inside a race car with the ability to look around by moving your head. I can not imagine how cool it would be to hold a wheel and be in a race car without actually being in a race car.

gt sport vr racing podI definitely suggest you check your local Best Buy to see if they are offering the GT Sport VR experience, ideally with racing pod, as it will be amazing. Every single time I use VR I am impressed and I promise you, you will feel the same way.

Of course, if you don’t want to go to Best Buy, you can always just purchase the PlayStation VR and test it out with GT Sport at your own home. There is the regular version which is just the VR headset, or the Launch Bundle that comes with the PlayStation Camera, VR Headset, PlayStation Move Controllers, and PlayStation Worlds VR demo. You must have the PlayStation Camera in order to use VR, so I suggest getting the bundle if you don’t already own it. However, If you don’t want the PlayStation Move Controllers, or VR Worlds demo game you can always save some money and get the basic PlayStation VR and PlayStation Camera separately.

Source: Best Buy Blog